Think Before You Post” – The Power of Social Media Tour w/ Chet Kuplen will be in Simla for a parent’s presentation this Wednesday, Nov. 1st at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria.


Over 600+ events/schools nationwide have had TBYP since 2019. The assembly/presentation, which started in Kansas and has now grown everywhere, covers digital citizenship, online criminal activity, online reputation, viral posting, cyberbullying, texting and driving, positives/negatives, networking and much more. Kuplen, who is also the CEO/Founder of Sports in Kansas, is quickly becoming one of the most booked speakers in the region with his TBYP brand.

He was named to Ingrams list of “50 Kansans You Should Know” in 2023 and also serves on the board of directors of the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame.

More info on the assembly can be found here:

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