GDQD Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Support Staff

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Support staff employees, unless otherwise designated by contract, are considered “at will” employees who serve at the pleasure of the Board and have only those employment rights expressly established by Board policy. Support staff members will be employed for such time as the district is in need of or desirous of the services of such…

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GDQB Resignation of Support Staff

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Support staff employees are encouraged to give two weeks written notice to the district prior to resigning employment. If an employee resigns as a result of an allegation of unlawful behavior involving a child, including unlawful sexual behavior, or an allegation of a sexual act involving a student who is eighteen years of age or…

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GDO-R Evaluation of Support Staff — Regulation

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

While adherence to the following elements is not required for purposes of making personnel decisions, the following shall be followed to the extent feasible. Designation of evaluators Any classified employees’ performance evaluations will be completed by the immediate supervisor. Input may be secured from other administrators/supervisors as needed to complete the evaluation. Schedule of evaluations…

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GDO Evaluation of Support Staff

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

The district has adopted an evaluation system designed to ensure the highest quality of services for the district’s students, staff and community. This system shall assist supervisors and classified employees in understanding the evaluation process. However, support staff employees, unless otherwise designated by contract, shall be considered “at will” employees who serve at the pleasure…

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GDG Part-Time and Substitute Support Staff Employment

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

The Board of Education shall maintain an authorized list of personnel to be used for substitute or part-time employment. The Board authorizes the superintendent to notify and direct persons on the list to perform such service for the district as may be required on a temporary basis. The Board authorizes principals to notify and direct…

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GDE/GDF-R Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring — Regulation

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Background checks Prior to hiring and in accordance with state law, the personnel office must: Conduct a background check through the Colorado Department of Education (the department) to determine the applicant’s fitness for employment. The department’s records must indicate if the applicant has been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to, received a deferred sentence, or…

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GDE/GDF Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

The Board will establish and budget for classified positions in the school district on the basis of need and the financial resources of the district. Recruiting The recruitment and selection of candidates for these positions is the responsibility of the superintendent or designee who must confer with principals and other supervisory personnel in making a…

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GDD Custodian Holidays and Vacations Days

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Custodians who are employed by Big Sandy School District under a full-time employment contract shall receive vacation days. All custodians who resign or whose employment is terminated shall receive the paid vacation to which they are entitled as soon as possible. Ten vacation days per approval by supervisor shall be granted. Prior approval of the…

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GDBD Support Staff Fringe Benefits

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Support Staff Fringe Benefits   Support staff members shall receive the same fringe benefits as are provided for professional staff members.   Adopted: June 15, 2011 Revised: March 4, 2015 Adopted: March 18, 2015   CROSS REFS.:  GCBD, Professional Staff Fringe Benefits          

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GDBC Support Staff Supplementary Pay/Overtime

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Overtime The administration will determine which school district employees are subject to the state minimum wage and overtime requirements of federal law.  These non-exempt employees will be paid overtime at the rate of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in any work week. Alternatively, in…

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