DAC Federal Fiscal Compliance

On May 25, 2017 By Big Sandy 100J

Federal funds received by the district shall be administered in accordance with this policy and applicable federal law, including but not limited to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance. The Board designates the Superintendent as the district contact for all federal programs and funding. The superintendent or designee may develop and implement accompanying regulations to assist…

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DJB-R Federal Procurement – Regulation

On May 25, 2017 By Big Sandy 100J

“Single source” procurement One or more of the following conditions justify procurement of a small or large purchase pursuant to a noncompetitive proposal (i.e., “single source” procurement): The item is only available from a single source; A public exigency or emergency exists and does not permit the delay that would result from a competitive solicitation;…

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DJB Federal Procurement

On May 25, 2017 By Big Sandy 100J

This policy and its accompanying regulation applies to the purchase of services, supplies, equipment or other property with federal funds that are subject to the federal Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and other applicable federal law, including but not limited to the Education Department General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) ,and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)…

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DB Annual Budget

On April 8, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

The annual budget is the financial plan for the operation of the school system. It provides the framework for both expenditures and revenues for the year and future years and translates into financial terms the educational programs and priorities of the district. Three-year budget forecast The superintendent or designee is directed to put thought into…

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DKC Expense Authorization/Reimbursement

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

This policy shall apply to all district employees and Board members in regard to reimbursement of expenses. District employees and Board members who incur expenses in carrying out their authorized duties shall be reimbursed by the district upon submission of a properly completed and approved expense form and accompanying receipt(s). Such expenses shall be approved…

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DKB Salary Deductions

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

Deductions shall be made from the paychecks of all employees for retirement and federal and state income tax in keeping with federal and state requirements and Medicare tax if applicable. Salary deductions shall be made for absences not covered by leave policies adopted by the Board of Education. Such deductions shall be calculated on the…

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DJG Vendor Relations

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

No favoritism shall be extended to any vendor. All employees of the district must exercise sound judgment in avoiding conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety in dealing with vendors. Gifts or gratuities of other than nominal value or which might obligate a district employee in any manner shall be politely and firmly refused….

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DJE Bidding Procedures

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

[Option 1:  Requires competitive bidding for professional services contracts (e.g. attorney, architect).] All contractual services, professional services, and purchases of supplies, materials, and equipment in the amount of $20,000 or more will be put to bid. This does not apply, however, to contracts for instructional services or materials. Other purchases may be made in the…

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DJ/DJA Purchasing/Purchasing Authority

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

The Board’s authority for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies and services is extended to the superintendent through the detailed listing of such items compiled as part of the budget-making process and approved by the Board through its adoption of the annual operating budget. Except in emergencies or for reasons of economy, the annual purchase…

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DIE Annual Audit

On March 16, 2014 By Big Sandy 100J

In accordance with state law, all funds and accounts of the district shall be audited annually, following the close of the fiscal year. The Board shall issue a request for proposal (RFP) or use some other similar process for selection of an independent auditor licensed to practice in Colorado and knowledgeable in government accounting to…

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