Dear Big Sandy School Community,
With the desire to make parking lots safer before and after school:
- we are having the elementary students that are picked up by their parents/guardians released from their classrooms at 3:58 so that the parking lot starts clearing out a little earlier than it is now.
- we are having the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students exit the south school door at the end of the day to relieve congestion from the east exit door used by Preschool, kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students.
- elementary children are not allowed in the parking lot unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- we ask that if vehicles along the curb have picked up their children and leave, that the vehicles behind them move up in line closing the gaps.
- parents that have children in elementary, junior high, and/or high school, please use the main/middle “kiss and go.”
Last week we timed how long it took for parents/guardians to pick up their children and leave the parking lots; each day it took 6 minutes or less which was very acceptable and efficient; we believe if everyone is patient and aware, we will keep all children safe.
Thank you,
Steve Wilson