Big Sandy Accountability January Meeting Tuesday, January 12th at 3:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order.

Board Report-Our mill levee was approved by the Board for our bond this year, the budget was finalized for 2015-16, the new legislative session is starting with the Negative Factor and the Hospital Provider fee being the main issues, we continue to work with contractors to complete our warranty list, windows in the north end of the gyms were removed and resealed to prevent leaking, the administration is working on the UIP plan, the Colorado Self Insurance Pool process is starting for next year’s membership, and our contractor and the our current insurance company are completing negotiations on our roof repair from last summer’s storm.

Elementary-Our Christmas program was held, Writing Month has started and is being held in conjunction with the Simla Library contest, report cards for the first semester were sent home, we are preparing students for the PARCC tests in April and waiting to see if we will have to take 4th or 5th grade CMAS tests for science or social studies, students are learning many new concepts, and the elementary purchased a new math basal series for implementation next year.

Secondary-Mid-year evaluations of staff is taking place, student enrollment is steady, although we have gained 3 students this past month, we will have our Jr. Class take the ACT this year in Colorado and next year it will be the SAT test, the semester was extended to allow for finals, the Prom date is April 30th, and the Senior trip is planned and tickets were purchased today.

Attendance Rate-Our attendance rate for the first semester was 96% for the district.

Kid’s Korner-Stucco had a number of activities for our secondary students this past semester, winter sports are in full swing with a large number of students participating, True Sports had an activity afternoon for both the elementary and middle school students, FBLA is preparing for District Competition, NHS had their annual Santa visit and will be hosting the honor roll party, SADD sponsored Red Ribbon Week, a February dance is being planned, and the Sophomore class will be selling valograms.

Key Communicators-The Simla Library Writing Contest has started and Story Time Sessions continue with special visitors planned this month, elementary basketball is about half way through the season, the Booster Club held a 3 on 3 tournament, Pee Wee Wrestling will be starting, Cross Roads is having the jr. high lock in this weekend, Dare to Share is coming up, and informational meetings concerning the Mexico Missionary trip will be held this month or next.

Title I-Every Child will Succeed has replaced No Child Left Behind. Mr. Wilson anticipates a continued decline in financial support for Title I in our district.

Preschool-Mrs. Jones has 26 students, half of her parents are visiting the Teaching Strategies Gold portal to monitor their child’s progress, and she is currently working on revising the hand book and enrollment form for next year.

Safety Committee Update-Mr. Wilson and his committee members completed our safety manual and shared it with the staff. We held a Shelter in Place Drill today. All staff members are completing the FEMA program and will be certified. Mr. Wilson held a safety meeting for all staff members when we returned last Monday.

Vocational Advisory Committee-Please see attached file.

Big Sandy Accountability Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 9th at 3:00 p.m.
A.Call to order
B. Board/School Reports

C. Kid’s Korner/Key Communicators
D. Title I/Preschool/Vocational
E. Safety Committee/Performance Council Update F. Unified Improvement Plan Update

Departments: Accountability Meetings